Elegant Starshine Bouquet
Elegant Starshine Bouquet
Stargazer lilies are the star of this arrangement!
Starshine is a bouquet full of beautiful blooms. Each arrangement is unique with stargazers as the star! Some other flowers you may see in your mix are roses and alstroemeria and a variety of filler flowers and foliage.
Lilies may arrive fresh and unbloomed. Allow for 2-3 days and they will open to reveal true beauty.
Our skilled florists will hand-select the freshest and most beautiful blooms to create a custom bouquet just for you. With a variety of colors, textures, and styles to choose from, this unique arrangement is sure to make a lasting impression. If you have a special request feel free to call us at 720-688-1012 and we will always try to accommodate you. Flower varieties and containers may vary depending upon availability. Please view our substitution policy if you have any questions.